Frequently Asked Questions

What is is a platform which allows you to share & search information about your city or neighbourhood.
How it works?
After joining us you can select your current location. You are free to add a new location if it does not exist in our database. Then you are free to add information under various categories and vote on existing information.
How can I share information?
After login you will be allowed to add data in the available sections of the website.
How do I report abuse?
With each data element at, you can find a link to report abuse. If you think that any information is wrong or inappropriate for public then you can report it as abusive. Once an information is marked as abusive by 5 people, it will be automatically unpublished and sent to admin for review and verification.
How voting works?
As a responsible person we trust your judgement and allow you to let others know, what you think about it. This could be derived by your experience or knowledge. To prevent misuse of this feature we allow a user to use it only once for a data element. So when you view a data element then either you can vote it up, vote it down or report as abusive.
Do I need to pay anything to use
No. is completely free service open to all.
How the results are sorted?
Results are sorted based on user recommendation. So more a data element is recommmended by others, more higher it will be in search results and listings.
Can I set a default location?
Yes, once you create an account, you will be automatically asked to choose your current location. This will be used as a default location for you whenever you are logged.
Do you sell user information though
No. Your information is completely secured with us. We assure you that it will never be sold/given to any one without your permission.